martes, 1 de enero de 2013

Grateful for the new "present" we receive today

Today is the first day of a great present we've been given. All beings of this beloved planet (Gaia) received a new Year, a brand new note pad where to draw our dreams in reality and to simply BE.

A good friend of mine has also given me another present in the shape of a link (below) that I think is worthwhile sharing with you all. There's no greater satisfaction than that of sharing the source of your own satisfaction :-)

This new year is meant to be an intense one. A YEAR in capital letters. Not because I say so, but because Numerology describes it as such. 2013 is a 33/6 year (2013= 20+13= 33 y 3+3 =6). This means that is a year with karmic energy all over it. To begin with, this is year 6. And 6 is the number of pure feelings, true love, care, friendship.... All very beautiful if we were not living in a society where enjoying our own feelings is doomed to mean challenge ;-) During this year 6 we will see how are past personal work is folded up. Should our feelings for our own SELF and for all the beings making possible our WHOLE self (as part of Gaia) be in peace, we will enjoy them enhanced. On the other hand, should our personal work towards a healthy self and love for Gaia is still in process, we will head for a bumpy road.

In other words, as a wise friend of mine likes to put it, we have just finished 4th grade (or living in the 4th dimension) and are in the time break before we start 5th grade (or living in the 5th dimension). Like in most of the schools on this planet, when you have not completely satisfied the requirements to continue your carrer, you are forced to go through new tests so your posibilites to progress to the next level are checked.  Therefore, those who still live according to the 4th dimension energy (focused on the mater and individuals rather than the whole) will need to go through new exams and to another world = school since we have moved already to the New ERA.

However, this 2013 is a very special year. It's not only a year 6 but a 33/6. And the number 33 is the symbol of Solomon's Seal (the star within the hexagram): 2 equilateral triangles in perfect balance of opposites merged in a Sacred figure. Number 33/6 is represented in the tarot cards as the Magician :-) This will definitely be a special year where the results of our past personal work will be materialized.

Nevertheless, there's no need to be scared! As my mom told me many years ago during a very rough time (after 6 months in London, I was about to surrender because what it was supposed to be my dream coming trough was actually being a nightmare): "It might be painful but there's no richer path in life than to live life in CAPITAL LETTERS. Many choose to live life in small letters so the pain is written also in small letters and can live in disguise. But, when you live in CAPITAL LETTERS the joy of success are much grater than when living scared to suffering". I, today, feel grateful for these words my mom offered me in 1999. I just wanted to share this with you because I'm sure we all are going through tough times of some sort.

Also grateful for all you being around. Thank you for having a laugh, dreaming, sharing time of your lives (happy or sad)  and, mainly, for representing the chance for a new future,a new Conscience... a new ERA.

And enjoy!!!

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